AliensWithAlie | Home
Aliens With Alie
------------------{Your home for Sci-Fi and Cinema}------------------

Welcome to Aliens with Alie, I'm Alie! this is my personally public portfolio for which to host my short stories, essays and reviews, and films (In the works, video and audio coming soon!).

Feel free to browse around the site and look at my writings and ramblings, and enjoy the early 2000's sci-fi feel of the website (Why did I make it this way? Check out the about section of the webpage for more info on that!). If you have any questions or comments about literally anything, feel free to send me and email using the contact page of this website!

thanks for stopping in, happy to have you here!

------------------------{Artistic Philosophy}------------------------

As a short primer to the things you may encounter in this blog/portfolio, I wanted to outline a few points about my own artistic philosophy which will provide some context to my stories and the films I choose to write about.

-Harlan Ellison

----------------------------{What is this}----------------------------

I don't know what to do with this box yet! I feel like it will be useful in the future though, so here it stays for now...